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Advantages of laser cutting

作者: admin發(fā)表時(shí)間: 2015-02-01 20:21:48瀏覽: 846

For manufacturers, laser cutting machine is the most widely used machinery. Laser cutting is the use of accurate high energy density, laser beam as a laser cutting material heating cutting method.
Compared with other materials cutting, laser cutting is characterized by high cutting speed and high quality.
Generally speaking, the following advantages:
The cutting effect is good (the cutting speed is quick, because the laser spot is small, the energy density is high, is because of these words to stimulate the cutting to obtain the good cutting quality appraisal
The laser incision is narrow, the two sides of the cutting seam are parallel, and the surface verticality is good, and the dimension precision of the cutting part is high. This problem is solved in the original processing method.
The cutting surface is smooth and beautiful, and can even be used as the last working procedure. The machine can be used directly without machining.
After the laser cutting, the width of the heat affected zone is very small, the properties of the material near the slit are almost not affected, and the deformation of the workpiece is small, the cutting precision is high, and the product quality is greatly improved.
Cutting speed, the maximum cutting speed can reach 6-9m/min; production efficiency is more than and 10 times the original processing method.
Non contact cutting, laser cutting nozzle and workpiece without contact, there is no tool wear; cost also reduced.
The laser cutting technology not only improves the production efficiency and the product quality, but also saves the material and the processing cost, and overcomes the unnecessary waste of material resources in the original cutting processing method.